Sunday, October 2, 2011 | By: BLC Thailand Mission

Phuket and farewell but not goodbye!

It has been a couple days since we posted due to an exceptionally busy schedule, flying and no wifi therefore, let me catch you up.

Friday was our last day of "Fun with English" workshop.   Bob and PW did a great job wrapping up the week.  We were able to share about Jesus again as well as pray with all the student.

After a "goodbye" lunch we were off to the airport to fly to the island of Phuket.  We experienced Bangkok Airlines "the boutique" airline.  Thai people are all about service!   When we arrived in Phuket we learned about and saw the "Vegetarian Festival" which many had come to town to participate.  It is a Buddhist festival where everyone wears white for 10 days and refrains from meat as well as many other things.  We arrived late to our hotel but was pleasantly surprised to find the GM had upgraded our rooms to encourage us to bring our "American" friends back.  We found not many Americans actually visit Phuket.

Saturday we had opportunities to explore the island, learn about the tsunami devastation and take in some cultural sites and activities.  The Chinese and Muslim influence is notable in the people.  Those in our group who have been to Hawaii say Phuket rivals it in the splendor and beauty.  Defintely a must see!  Amazing how they have rebuilt everything from the Tsunami.  We were also trained immediately about the warning system and evacuation routes.  They are prepared better for the future.  One fascinating story was we talked to our tour guide and asked if she was a survivor.  She said she was!   She was in the middle of a tour on a bus when it hit.  One of the passengers kicked out a window for some to swim out of the bus to safety.  She was one of seven out of 35 who survived.  She said it runs through her head everyday.  For the following six months she was a translator for all the relief workers who came to help.   She said the Buddhist believe they were blessed that more did not die because Buddha held back more waves.   There is a lot of work to be done in Phuket for the Lord!
That brings us to today Sunday!  We headed back to Bangkok for a farewell dinner with our Lutheran Hour Ministry Hosts and students.  It was a phenomenal food yet again.  We have all learned to love Thai food!   Sidenote - did you know they are excellent at desserts?   Both groups shared remarks on the week.  Gifts and prayers were exchanged.  The culminating momment was when we all gathered to sing one of their favorites "All in All".  We were blessed to worship together the King of Kings and Savior of all Jesus!  It was one of the most special nights of the trip.   We shared this is not goodbye but simply farewell as we will see each other again in heaven if not sooner!

Nine of our group is boarding a plane to head home as I write.  Pray for safe travel for their long journey and layover in Korea.   Pray that as they reflect on their time in Thailand they will be able to hear how God's message of hope and plans for their future.   Pray they will assimulate back into the US well.  And pray they will have many opportunities to share the story of Journey Into Light mission outpost and the amazing ministry happening here.  Pray for the Thai people that the seeds planted will grow.  And pray for the 6 of us remaining will be well rested and energized to work with the children at Concordia Day Care Center tomorrow.

God's Blessings families and friends!!


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