Saturday, April 30, 2011 | By: BLC Thailand Mission

Paperwork, immunizations and fund raising !!!

As you can well imagine there is a lot of paperwork and planning to get done in order for a team of 15 missionaries to go to Thailand.  We have been busy getting a lot of things completed and out of the way so that we will be free to study Thailand and learn how to best present Jesus to those who don't know Him.  We have already been blessed to be a part of this team. 

Of course, there will be a few immunizations necessary to keep us safe while we're out of the United States. OUCH! There is also the fund raising involved to make this trip possible.  Our church has graciously agreed to pay a part of the fee, and we are each paying another part of the fee.  However, there will still be more funds needed.  I've never been involved in fund raising to any great extent and I've learned something interesting about it - it's not easy!  It's difficult to ask people you know to help support your mission by contributing funds to your cause, but something dawned on me the other day. It makes you HUMBLE!  What better way to approach a mission trip than by being humble?

I ask each of you that reads our blog to please pray for us while we are preparing, traveling, and volunteering. 

Please come back and visit us again.  We'll keep you undated as we prepare for Thailand.


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